The 1st World Conference on Broadcast Meteorology

Tuesday, 15 June 2004: 9:55 AM
The 1st World Conference on Broadcast Meteorology
Veronica Johnson, NBC4, Washington, DC; and R. T. Ryan

The 1st International Conference on Broadcast Meteorology is being held in Barcelon, Spain in early June. An overview of the conference, it's goals, the program and attendee backgrounds and profiles will be presented. The conference program includes discussion ranging from the changing role of national meteorological services to reducing natural disasters to climate change and the political and policy implications. It is anticipated that the conference will draw representatives from more than 50 countries. Consensus views/opinions of the future of broadcast meteorology by the broad world braodcast meteorolgical community will be presented as well as any "surprises" that may come out of the various sessions. Finally, The broad world view of braodcast meteorology will be discussed in comparison to the private braodcast enterprise in the U.S.

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