Alternative Ways to Present NHC'S Five Day Forecast: Minimizing Negative Economic Impact on Coastal Communities

Wednesday, 16 June 2004: 5:00 PM
Alternative Ways to Present NHC'S Five Day Forecast: Minimizing Negative Economic Impact on Coastal Communities
Bill Hardman, Southeast Tourism Society, Atlanta, GA; and J. McMillan, E. Piotrowski, G. Fishel, E. Thomas, B. Norcross, R. J. Pasch, and S. Thomas

New policy for forecasting hurricanes five days out has presented real challenges for coastal communities whose very existence depends on the tourist trade. Coastal communities are caught between their responsibility to protect residents and visitors alike while recognizing that five day forecasts can have a tremendous negative economic impact on their towns and businesses. This session presents a balanced discussion on how the private sector tourism industry can work hand-in-hand with broadcast meteorologists to present a balanced and responsible five day forecast without unduly frightening people and creating unnecessary economic harm to communities so dependent on tourism for their livelihood.

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