Thursday, 9 August 2007
Halls C & D (Cairns Convention Center)
On 24 April 2006, a supercell just west of Oklahoma City produced a pair of rare cyclonic anticyclonic tornadoes that were well documented visually by many storm chasers and by a high-definition video taken from a television helicopter. Using data from the KTLX WSR-88D radar and the OKC TDWR radar, the characteristics of the storm are documented and attempts are made to distinguish the characteristics, if any, of the storm from storms that produce only cyclonic tornadoes. Dual-Doppler analyses of the storm after it had produced the tornadoes will be presented and discussed, if they become available by the time of the conference. In addition to the possible discovery of new scientific findings, this case study is also a demonstration of the use of paired data from both WSR-88D and TDWR radar networks for research purposes.