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A number of repetitive polarimetric signatures are found in each of these storms. The forward-flank downdraft (FFD) area is characterized by a typical signature of hail and a shallow region of very high ZDR on the southern edge of the FFD. The ZDR and KDP columns and midlevel hooks of enhanced ZDR and depressed ρHV are usually observed in the vicinity of the main rotating updraft and in the rear-flank downdraft (RFD). Tornado touchdown is marked by a well-pronounced polarimetric debris signature.
Similar polarimetric features in supercell thunderstorms have been reported in other studies conducted in different geographic locations and thus are indicative of fundamental processes intrinsic to the supercell storms. Hypotheses on the origins as well as microphysical and dynamical interpretations of these signatures are presented. Additionally, implications about storm morphology for operational applications are suggested.