Thursday, 9 August 2007
Halls C & D (Cairns Convention Center)
Handout (449.7 kB)
Total of 19 radars are operated over the Korean Peninsula: 12 radars of Korea Meteorological Administration, 5 radars of Korea Air Force, and 2 radars of U.S. Air Force. Theses radars are apart by about 120 km in average and their observable radius are longer than 100 km. The all radars are measurable Doppler velocity and carry out PPI volume scan every 6 or 10 minute. This radar network is used for retrieving wind fields in high resolution over the Korean Peninsula. Following preprocessing procedures such as noise filtering and dealiasing radial velocity, wind fields are extracted using the multi-Doppler technique in CEDRIC package of NCAR. Two rain events are examined: one is the typhoon Ewiniar in 2006 in which strong wind and heavy rainfall were recorded over all of the Korean Peninsula, the other is a small thunderstorm with a diameter of about 30 km.