Wednesday, 8 August 2007: 11:30 AM
Hall A (Cairns Convention Center)
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This work presents the first measurements of the mobile X-band polarimetric weather radar (MXPOL) over Eastern São Paulo State, São Paulo, Brazil. It is analyzed the horizontal e vertical structures of reflectivity (H+V), differential reflectivity, radial wind, spectrum width, correlation differential phase, specific differential phase, correlation magnitude of convective and stratiform systems measured in February 2007. Thunderstorm polarimetric measurements are analyzed against with lightning data provided by a LPATS network. Typical summer thunderstorms that form over the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo tend to be deeper, have higher water content and electrical activity. Two major local effects have been identified: moisture provided the local sea breeze and added lifting due to the MASP heat island. These characteristics are analyzed in the light of the above polarimetric measurements.