Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Halls C & D (Cairns Convention Center)
Handout (1.3 MB)
Base data from a dual-pol WSR-88D radar collected during three significant winter storms in Oklahoma are examined. These cases (29-30 November 2006, 12-14 January 2007, and 20 January 2007) were chosen due to the concurrent collection of high-resolution surface precipitation type reports near the radar (see paper by Elmore, Scharfenberg, and Legett).
Large temporal and spatial variabilities in surface precipitation types were observed during these events as revealed by the surface reports. This paper will focus on radar data collected during these periods of large variability. Associating the evolution of the radar data and the surface reports is critical for future enhancements to automated hydrometeor classification and to successful forecast decision-making during winter storms.