Friday, 10 August 2007: 11:15 AM
Meeting Room 2 (Cairns Convention Center)
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The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) deployed three boundary layer wind profilers at the T-REX (Terrain induced Rotors EXperiment) in the lee of the High Sierras in the Owens Valley California during the spring of 2006. The study aimed to examine mountain waves and rotors using a large array of instruments; including radars, lidars, aircraft, surface towers, and a variety of other sensors. The wind profilers operated as part of the NCAR ISS (Integrated Sounding System) which include the profiler, surface meteorology stations, and at one site, a radiosonde system and sodar. They observed many interesting wave and rotor events. For example, when deployed in a line across the valley, they each observed different phases of waves that appeared to be trapped across the valley. One of the profilers was the NCAR MAPR (Multiple Antenna Profiler Radar), which is capable of making very rapid wind measurements. This system made detailed small-scale observations, for example examining the inner structure of rotors and waves.