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As a first attempt, the two-step '1D+4D-Var' approach initially chosen by ECMWF to assimilate satellite cloudy/rainy microwave radiances operationally has been applied to assimilate hourly rain rates from the NCEP Stage IV combined radar-gauge analyses. In this method, rain data are first assimilated through a 1D-Var procedure to create pseudo-observations of total column water vapour, which are then assimilated in 4D-Var. More recently, the direct assimilation of NCEP Stage IV data in 4D-Var has also been tested.
Results from experiments using both methods will be presented and the pros and cons of '1D+4D-Var' versus direct 4D-Var will be discussed. The main issues, requirements and limitations of the variational approach will be summarized. These include uncertainties in observation and model error statistics, the effect of non-linearities, the screening of observations, the proper choice of observable (logarithmic transform) and the issue of non-rainy model background situations.
In addition, results from denial experiments in which radar observations were assimilated in the absence of all other competing moisture observations (from surface stations, radio-soundings or satellites) over the USA will demonstrate that radar observations alone can have a positive impact on the quality of 4D-Var analyses and subsequent forecasts.
Finally, the prospects and requirements for the operational assimilation of radar data at ECMWF will be discussed.