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The objective of NMQ research and development was two fold. The first was to develop a hydrometeorological platform for assimilating different observational networks and for creating high spatial and temporal resolution multi-sensor QPEs for flood warnings and water resource managements on the national scale. The platform facilitates systematic evaluations and advances of hydrometeorological sciences. The second was to develop for operational utilization a seamless high-resolution national 3-D grid of radar reflectivity for data assimilation, numerical weather prediction model verification, and aviation product development.
Through about 10 years (1998-2007) of research and development, a real-time NMQ system has been implemented ( Since June 2006, the system has been generating high-resolution 3-D reflectivity mosaic grids (31 vertical levels) and a suite of severe weather and QPE products for Conterminous United States at a 1-km horizontal resolution and 5 minute update cycle. The experimental products are provided to users from government agencies and universities in real-time and have been utilized in various meteorological, aviation, and hydrological applications. This paper provides a description of the NMQ system, presents some results, and discusses the future plans.