Monday, 5 October 2009
President's Ballroom (Williamsburg Marriott)
The University of Alabama Huntsville and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center are collaborating with the 45th Weather Squadron (45WS) to develop improved lightning prediction capabilities using data from their new C-band dual-polarimetric weather radar. Dual-polarimetric radar signatures, such as onset of drop freezing and vertical ice crystal alignment driven by in-cloud electric fields, may be useful in nowcasting lightning initiation and cessation. Herein we are implementing dual-polarimetric signatures indicative of a lightning threat into a nowcasting lightning potential product. Next we compare it to traditional radar reflectivity based products, such as those used by 45WS and launch weather forecasters at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) or within the NCAR Auto-Nowcaster for Weather forecasters at the Army Test and Evaluation Command's (ATEC) White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). First results of the comparison between dual-polarimetric based and traditional reflectivity based products will presented.d.