Monday, 5 October 2009: 9:51 AM
Auditorium (Williamsburg Marriott)
EEC and WSI are making ground breaking strides in the manufacturing, research and delivery of dual polarization radars to the world meteorological community. EEC continues to solidify its leadership position in the worldwide marketplace through significant advancements in its proprietary and patented SIDPOL radar design while increasing the speed of innovation through new collaborative research agreements with key strategic partners like the University of Oklahoma. EEC's research with OU is focused on the development of new radar processing solutions, SIDPOL algorithm development, and weather modeling initiatives that incorporate radar data collection. EEC has spent decades perfecting its hardware and software to improve accuracy and generate the most pristine radar data for its customers. We will explore some of EEC's recent technological advancements and provide an overview of customers realizing the full benefit of EEC's nearly 40-years of experience in delivering world class weather radars to customers around the globe.