Drop fall velocity measurements for, say, the 3 mm drops show noticeable differences between the two events. Whereas for the first event, the velocity distribution showed a narrow and symmetric distribution, with a mode at the expected value (7.95 m/s, as given by the formula in [4]), the second event produced a wider distribution with a significant skewness towards lower velocities (although its mode too was close to the expected value). Moreover, the slower' 3 mm drops in the second event occurred when the convection line was directly over the 2DVD site (03:35-03:45 utc), and not before nor after. A similar trend was observed in terms of the horizontal dimensions of the 3 mm drops, i.e. large fluctuations during the same time period, but not outside the period. Vertical dimensions of the drops also fluctuated but not to the same extent. Interestingly, the horizontal dimensions tended towards larger values during the 10-minute period, implying an increase in drop oblateness, which in turn indicates the possibility of the horizontal' mode oscillation, one of the three fundamental modes of drop oscillations [5], albeit the most difficult one to excite.
In order to dismiss the possibility of surface layer effects, the C-band polarimetric radar data were processed for this event, and analyzed in terms of the effective beta' method [6]. This method, although susceptible to radar calibration errors, can be used qualitatively to identify areas which do not conform to the polarimetric radar algorithms built on standard bulk assumptions on drop shapes. Application of this method to the PPI scans taken over a one-hour time period related to the second event has shown higher than normal beta-values in some areas of the convection line, the high values corroborating the notion of horizontal mode oscillations occurring in those regions.
We will present the fall velocity measurements and drop shapes for both events from the two 2DVDs, as well as results of the corresponding C-band data analyses.
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