Under certain light rain conditions, two established technologies for vertical velocity retrievals are simultaneously available. Doppler lidars are capable of accurate true air motion retrievals unaffected by air density assumptions and limited only by eventual attenuation in heavier rainfall and cloud. Vertically-pointing 94-GHz radar retrieval techniques are less sensitive to attenuation in rain and capitalize on nonRayleigh scattering of select raindrop sizes to perform accurate drop fall speed to air motion conversions. However, air density and drop fall speed conversions, to the accuracies claimed by 94-GHz retrieval efforts, have not been fully vetted for light precipitating conditions.
We explore the performance of both Lidar and 94-GHz radar techniques for vertical velocity retrievals under light rain conditions under which both systems are viable. Observations are performed using collocated systems at the ARM central facility in Lamont, Oklahoma during the MC3E field campaign in 2011 for which high resolution temporal atmospheric sounding information was also simultaneously available.