Monday, 26 September 2011
Grand Ballroom (William Penn Hotel)
Radar operating at 95-GHz can capitalize on non-Rayleigh backscattering signatures on radar Doppler spectra and thus retrieve vertical air motion and Drop Size Distribution (DSD) parameters with height. Recently, 95-GHz retrievals were automated for the fixed and mobile radar systems of the US Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program, with an emphasis on characterizing DSD variability with time and height under widespread precipitation. Nevertheless, one limitation towards solidifying the error characteristics of these efforts has been the lack of a collocated, high quality surface disdrometric record associated with these systems to offer a more complete depiction of retrieval performance.
This study provides the first sets of comparisons for 95-GHz retrievals of DSD parameters with those available from multiple collocated disdrometric records. The retrievals are performed during widespread rain conditions collected during the MC3E experiment for which 95-GHz systems are collocated with multiple impact and video disdrometer platforms. Vertically pointing radar profilers, unattenuated in stratiform rain conditions, are also referenced for complete DSD retrieval efforts.