Thursday, 29 September 2011
Grand Ballroom (William Penn Hotel)
Handout (1.1 MB)
An effort at the National Center for Atmospheric Research to develop an algorithm to remove non-weather echoes from data collected by the Electra Doppler Radar (ELDORA) was introduced by Wolff et al. (2009). This algorithm uses interest maps and fuzzy logic to calculate a probability that a given radar return is weather. Since it was introduced the algorithm has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation to determine the best fields to use to discern between weather and spurious echo such as ground returns, second trip echo, and sidelobes. Fields tested for inclusion in the algorithm and the results of the analyses will be presented for a variety of weather phenomena sampled by the ELDORA during its lifetime. These cases include tropical cyclones, convective initiation, tornadic thunderstorms, and mesoscale convective systems over flat and complex terrain. Each dataset provides a unique challenge for the algorithm that must be addressed. Verification statistics are also being compiled and will be discussed, focusing on the methodology and metrics used to quantify the performance of the algorithm thus far. When complete, this algorithm will be integrated with the automatic navigation correction technique presented by Cai et al. in these proceedings to create an automated Dual Doppler synthesis algorithm that will quickly derive three-dimensional wind fields for use by researchers and modelers during field programs.