Data on the locations of the lightning strokes in the vicinity of the MIPS were taken from the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). WSR-88D Level II radar data, the MIPS profiling radar, special soundings, and a microwave radiometer were used in conjunction with the NLDN to determine when precipitation bands were in the vicinity of the MIPS EFM, how much lightning was occurring, whether perturbations in the surface electric field occurred during band passages, and what the stability conditions were at the time of the charge measurements. Cases that are being examined include ones with only a few strokes, for determining the lower bound of instability needed for discharges. These are compared with cases with large numbers of confirmed strokes.
In this presentation, the relationship between the field mill measurements and band passages, and the correlation of electric field change to profiler and radiometer measured variables such as cloud liquid water, snow-to-liquid ratio, and particle vertical velocities will be shown.