10.2 Picture this weather

Saturday, 28 June 2008: 5:15 PM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Alan Sealls, WKRG-TV, Mobile, AL

A picture's worth a thousand words and in weather a picture's worth a dozen equations. The basis of understanding meteorology is observation. Our eyes are valuable tools but a still camera serves to permanently record what we see, and often what we cannot see at a glance.

In a slideshow of weather photography we examine reflection, refraction, dispersion and other optical phenomena enhanced by sunlight, water, aerosols, and clouds. The presenter shares dozens of photos of ordinary weather that have mini-weather lessons once the viewer focuses deeper. We also review weather folklore related to the sky. We find beauty and science in images of quiet weather and unsettled weather that provide clues to better forecasting.

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