13.2 Broadcast Meteorology - Television weather survey results of 2008

Sunday, 29 June 2008: 10:45 AM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Mark A. Reynolds, WJHL-TV, Johnson City, TN

Broadcast Meteorology - Survey results will be presented from the tvweathertrends.com annual survey for broadcasters.

These survey results will detail every aspect of broadcast meteorology from market salaries to perks and other concerns of today's broadcasters.

The survey results will also highlight the opinions of today's broadcast meteorologists and their attitudes about current weather topics and everyday office tasks and duties that are required of them. Insight is also given as to what their news operation and management is like and what the future of the broadcast meteorologist might be.

Survey results can benefit television meteorologists who might be changing jobs and going for a raise. Results can also provide valuable data to those in the field to allow them to see how they compare to other broadcaster in 2008.

These survey results are also a good tool for those coming out of college to see what the field of broadcast meteorology is made of.

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