7.1 Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science Evaluation: What We've Learned About Local TV Audiences and Science Reporting

Saturday, 28 June 2008: 8:00 AM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Emilie Lorditch, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD

As a primary source of news, more people rely on local TV news than any other medium. Broadcast meteorologists have a unique opportunity to be the *station scientist* at their local news station. The American Meteorological Society has partnered with the American Institute of Physics in their production of Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside

Science (DBIS). DBIS is a syndicated science news service that produces 12 90-second science news segments a month that are aired during the local news broadcast in television markets throughout the country. Approximately 4 of these segments each month focus on meteorology research.

Recently, DBIS has finished it's evaluation of DBIS program which included focus groups from a small, medium, and large market as well as news directors. Hear from DBIS's senior science editor and learn what DBIS has learned about local TV audiences and science reporting -- what works, what doesn't, and what local news audiences want to hear more


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