MP3 audio file"> Abstract: Ice Balls! ----- <a target="new" href="../mp3/141484.mp3">MP3 audio file</a> (36th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology) MP3 audio file">

1.5 Ice Balls! ----- MP3 audio file

Thursday, 26 June 2008: 10:54 AM
Grand Ballroom (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Dave Fraser, KWGN-TV, Denver, CO; and J. Boyer

What the "Hail" is going on here? East of the Rocky Mountains from Alberta, Canada to New Mexico hailstorms pummel the landscape each spring. Colorado sits in the shadow of the Rocky's highest peaks and is considered the Hail Capital of the United States. Damage to property can run in the hundreds of millions of dollars making hailstorms the costliest in Colorado. Check out the video and pictures that has residents running for cover!
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