Friday, 20 September 2013: 9:45 AM
Colorado Ballroom (Peak 5, 3rd Floor) (Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center)
Handout (1.7 MB)
A system of three Doppler Radars, two C-band (5.6 GHz ) of which one will have full dual-polarization capability and a K-a band (35 GHz) Doppler, is being established in the Brindisi Airport Area in Apulia Region of southern Italy. The K-a band Doppler will be able to transmit linear or circular polarization mode and receive either right and left end circular or vertical and horizontal polarizations with a dual channel receiver A network of six microbarographs and three microwave disdrometers (PLUDIX) will be deployed in the airport area and will complement the radar observations of the wind-shear events and other potential risks for flight originated by severe storms. The main measured parameters will be: radar reflectivity of the hydrometeors; three dimensional components of velocity vectors, differential reflectivity at K-a band. The ultimate goals will be the development of an alert system for wind-shear and the improvement of airport nowcasting. The RIVONA Project started in 2011 having the goal of acquiring the advanced instrumentation. This phase is now close to completion with the installation of the Torchiarolo C-band radar, the final tests of the Ka band mobile radar and the preparatory work for the installation of the second C-band radar on the Mesagne support tower. Testing is planned to start in June- July and full operations starting in the late 2013.