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Polarimetric radar measurements can be utilized to identify the TBSS in radar data. In this study, we developed a fuzzy logic classification algorithm for the TBSS identification. Polarimetric radar data collected by the dual-polarization KOUN Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) were extracted to develop S-band trapezoidal membership functions for a TBSS class of radar echo. Nearly 3000 radar gates were extracted from 50 TBSSs to statistically develop the membership functions. Five variables were investigated for the discrimination of the radar echo: 1) horizontal radar reflectivity factor (ZH); 2) differential reflectivity (ZDR); 3) copolar cross-correlation coefficient (ρhv); 4) the standard deviation of horizontal radar reflectivity factor (SD[ZH]); and 5) the standard deviation of differential phase (SD[ΦDP]). These membership functions were added to a modified hydrometeor classification algorithm (HCA) to identify TBSSs. Hard thresholds for the TBSS class were also implemented into the algorithm. After the development of the modified HCA, testing was conducted on radar data collected by dual-pol WSR-88Ds from multiple severe weather events that were associated with TBSSs.