WPRs using UHF band (300-3000 MHz) are able to measure wind and turbulence below 1 km height and hence are useful for measuring dynamical processes in the boundary layer. In order to provide a means to measure wind and turbulence in the boundary layer with high height resolution, we developed a 1.3-GHz range-imaging wind profiler referred to as RIM-LQ7. RIM-LQ7 was developed using the antenna, transmitter, and RF unit of LQ-7, which is a 1.3-GHz WPR produced by Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. In order to implement RIM capabilities, a local oscillator which can change the transmitted frequency every transmission is used. Five frequencies (1227.0, 1227.25, 1227.5, 1227.75, and 1228.0 MHz) are able to be produced from the local oscillator. For real-time digital signal processing of RIM-LQ7, we developed a low-cost IF digital receiver. The digital receiver is designed to decode phase-modulated oversample (OS) signals collected with a rate of 10 MS/s. RIM-LQ7 is the first that is able to carry out RIM and OS at the same time.
The RIM and OS capability of RIM-LQ7 provide the opportunity to resolve fine-scale vertical structure of turbulence. Because other RIM WPRs collect signals using a sampling interval which matches their transmitted pulse width, the range weighting effect significantly deteriorates sensitivity at subgates near the edges of range gates. Therefore it was difficult for RIM to attain unambiguous measurement in height. On the other hand, because RIM-LQ7 is able to collect oversampled signals which overlap sampling volumes in the range direction, the range weighting effect in RIM is negligible for RIM-LQ7.
Field measurements to assess the measurement capability of RIM-LQ7 were carried out from June to July 2012. In the field experiment, 1-microsecond transmitted pulse width and five frequencies with 1-MHz span (i.e., 2-MHz frequency bandwidth) were used. Highest time resolution was about 3 seconds. From the field measurement, it is proved that RIM plus OS (RIM-OS), which was realized for the first time by RIM-LQ7, is useful to attain range resolution down to several ten meters even with the 2-MHz frequency bandwidth. First measurement results of instability and thermals in the boundary layer are also presented.