Session 4 |
| Severe Weather: Additional Challenges & Tools |
| Chair: Maureen McCann, News 8 Austin, Austin, TX
| | | Paper 4.1 has been moved. New paper number 4.4A
| 2:00 PM | 4.1A | The increasing role of social media during high impact weather events  John T. Ferree, NOAA/NWS Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services, Norman, OK; and J. Demuth, G. M. Eosco, and N. S. Johnson |
| 2:15 PM | 4.2 | The Baron Tornado Index, leading the next generation of tornado detection improvements  Matthew Alan Havin, Baron Services Inc., Huntsville, AL |
| 2:30 PM | 4.3 | NOAA/NESDIS satellite products and direct readout overview  Thomas M. Renkevens, NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD, Camp Springs, MD |
| | | Paper 4.4 has been moved. New paper number 4.1A
| 2:45 PM | 4.4A | Patterns in U.S. tornado vulnerability over the last decade  Gregory W. Carbin, NOAA/NWS/SPC, Norman, OK |