10.3 A new HD display system

Wednesday, 24 June 2009: 2:15 PM
Pacific Northwest Ballroom (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
Loren Tobia, AccuWeather, Inc., State College, PA; and M. Smith and K. Reeves

New advancements in technology allow stations to incorporate the latest weather data into highly sophisticated 3D HD videos, with real-time rendering that allows you to create or update any scene with new data, making it instantly available for air.

The CinemaLive HD™ is a new tool for video weather presentations, including a fully 3D, 360 degree environment which enables presenters to display and manipulate video objects in any part of the broadcast scene, including in front of and behind them.

The system architecture is live on every level, instantly updating graphics and videos as new data comes in, and rendering in real time, enabling meteorologists to show continuously updated data and videos during severe weather situations.

The system creates and outputs video in native HD and includes 3D modeling and Microsoft Virtual Earth™ street-level display capabilities.

Also included is the system's virtual set capability, with five custom virtual sets giving you unique looks for each newscast and for special programming, and saving the cost of building new sets in the future.

AccuWeather has also upgraded the data provided with the system, to include more models, complete hurricane/tropical storm data, Level 2 NEXRAD and additional radar data, and many other data enhancements.

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