11.3 Weather-Media, A Tool More Requested in Senegal

Wednesday, 24 June 2009: 3:15 PM
Pacific Northwest Ballroom (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
Sadibou Ba, Agence Nationale de la Météorologie du Sénégal, Dakar, Senegal; and M. Kamara and A. Diop

Floods are increasingly becoming frequent with devastating impacts especially since 2000 in Sahel, Particularly, during the rainy season of 2005 and 2008 where important rainy events were recorded in Senegal, with many displaced population. These natural disasters increased the awareness of the population toward meteorological phenomena. This paper presents strategies and methods used in the Senegalese met office to provide weather information in an appropriate format to users through the media. This allows users to make a better decision in their climate risk management. It can be a way to build a very efficient Early Warning System in Senegal, and broadly over West Africa.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner