8.4 Operational Satellite Status Update and Available Training

Friday, 25 June 2010: 12:40 PM
Napoleon III (Deauville Beach Resort)
Brian C. Motta, NWS, Boulder, CO

There have been lots of changes in the area of satellite remote sensing recently. The cancellation of the NPOESS program and associated restructuring of polar satellite program activities were announced early in the year. Numerous changes with the GOES constellation of satellites is also underway. The recent launch of GOES-14 is one such development. An updated status will be included in this presentation. GOES-R is also nearing the horizon for possible launch as early as 2016. These program changes and plans for the future also relate to the current training available and training that is in development and planning for the future.

Current training that is available to the broadcast community and could help to serve in seal renewals and professional development include modules available from the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration and Training(VISIT), The Satellite Hydro-Meteorology Courses (SHyMets), and COMET modules.

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