Although the fixed grid database is convenient to use and update, it is not necessarily the best. For example, if a particular grid box includes surface types with different surface scattering properties (e.g., forest and bare soil over land or regions with different mean wind speeds over ocean) then the mean and standard deviation of the data will not be representative of either surface type. It can be shown that the variance of the rain-free σ0 data can be reduced by starting with a higher grid resolution and then performing a variable spatial averaging over the grid that minimizes the variance while accumulating a sufficient number of samples.
In addition to the variable-averaging procedure is a second alternative that involves overlaying orbits with similar trajectories. Although the GPM satellite does not have an exact orbital repeat cycle, for any given orbit we can usually find one or more orbits that are well matched to the target orbit in the sense that each scan line and viewing angle in the matched orbit is within less than 1/2 field-of-view (2.5 km) of the target orbit. Moreover, as more data are acquired the probability increases that at least one orbit can be found that is well-matched to a given orbit. In some sense, these nearly-matched orbits provide an ideal temporal reference in the sense that the spatial variations between σ0 measured within and outside the rain area are minimized. As the rain-free databases derived from the fixed grid, variable grid and the overlay orbits will differ, the path attenuations derived from them will differ as well. The presentation will show comparisons of the path attenuation derived from the three data bases and explore ways to identify the most accurate.