Accordingly, several methods have been proposed in order to protect against WT interference. To our knowledge, none of them has solved the problem so far. Particularly, no operational tools are available to identify, quantify and/or to appropriately mitigate these wind turbine effects. As a first step, a realtime wind turbine recognition is necessary as, due to the above mentioned effects, affected pixels are highly variable and data at farther distance to the WT may be affected, too. As a second step, extensive WT sensitivity studies are necessary, in order to know the range of possible error magnitudes and to evaluate the impact of WT and of possible future WT mitigation algorithms on follow-up procedures and final products. So far, case studies have shown that even single WT pixels may impede the detection of hail or meso-cyclones, and WT echoes from outside the main beam may still contribute significantly and even surpass severe weather thresholds.
This contribution is to give an overview of the WT-weather radar challenge in Germany, focusing on the scope of WT impacts as observed by various network radars and on different stages of the radar processing chain. A couple of ideas that have been proposed to cope with existing WT will be discussed as well.