Hitschfeld and Bordan (1954) proposed an algorithm for attenuation correction in single-polarized system but it gets unstable in case of strong attenuation. Therefore, methods have been developed that restrict attenuation correction to keep the algorithm stable, using e.g. surface echo (for space borne radars) and mountain returns (for ground radars) or adjustment of the radar constant. All these methods are based on the statistical relation between reflectivity and specific attenuation. Another way to correct for attenuation in X-band radar observations, is to use additional information from less attenuated radar systems, e.g. the ratio between X-band and C- or S-band radar measurements.
We will present a comparison of the original HB algorithm and three algorithms based on the statistical relation between reflectivity and specific attenuation as well as two methods implementing C-band radar measurements. Their performance in a convective and in a stratiform precipitation event will be investigated. Furthermore, a study of five month of radar observations examines the long-term performance of each algorithm.
Hitschfeld, W. and Bordan, J.: Errors Inherent in the Radar Measurement of Rainfall at Attenuating Wavelengths, J. Meteorol., 11, 58--67, 1954