The goal of this study is to analyze and highlight interesting polarimetric characteristics of MCSs observed with the PX-1000. On 25 June 2015, the PX-1000 collected dual-polarization radar data within the leading stratiform rain region and within a trailing stratiform region with high polarimetric variability. The observations also include severe winds associated with an intense rear inflow jet. On 1 July 2015, the PX-1000 collected extensive stratiform rain data while collocated with SMART-R2, providing a unique data set with collocated C- and X-band dual-polarization data. In addition, RHI scans were conducted over Parsivel disdrometer measurements and along a NOAA P-3 flight transect below the melting level. Finally, polarimetric data were collected in a leading line, trailing stratiform MCS on 6 July 2015 that produced very heavy rainfall, severe winds, and a brief tornado. Using these data sets, velocity-azimuth displays and quasi-vertical profiles will be analyzed in conjunction with PPI and RHI scans obtained from PX-1000.