Radar observations of the tornadoes (latitude/longitude of tornado center, intensity, diameter of the 35 ms-1 isodop) from the lowest elevation angle data available (ranging from ~50-550 m above radar level) are coupled with digital elevation model (DEM) GIS data and 2011 national land cover database (NLCD) GIS data using ArcMap. The categorical NLCD data are reclassified with quantitative values of surface roughness lengths as specified by the EPA’s AERSURFACE user guide. Two separate datasets (one for the mobile radar observations and one for the WSR-88Ds) are constructed that couple intensity, elevation, and land cover classification for the location of the tornado center (for elevation) and within the specified 35 ms-1 tornado radius (for land cover). The high spatio-temporal resolution of the mobile radar dataset (2 – 56 s updates, range gate spacing as low as 30 m) supersedes the resolution of any previous observational study relating tornadoes with topography or land cover in the pier-reviewed literature. The high resolution data allows for improved confidence in the geographic placement of tornado features in the context of the land cover/topography. Statistical correlations, multivariate linear regression models, and bootstrap non-parametric statistics are used to evaluate the quantitative relationships between tornado intensity and both topography and land cover type, and their statistical significance. Preliminary results indicate that there are statistically significant relationships, but these relationships are quite complex.