The radar wind syntheses and DLA are used to explore the mesoscale and storm-scale 3-D airflow, cold pool, cloud and precipitation structure associated with mesocyclogenesis in the tornado-producing storm cell and its parent 5-6 July MCS. A PECAN hypothesis asserts that severe straight-line surface winds may be achievable given favorable environmental convective available potential energy and bulk shear ingredients (which were present in the 5-6 July case), provided that the mesoscale nocturnal cold pool is surface-based and contains a strong thermal solenoid via precipitation-forced diabatic cooling to assist a vigorous descending rear-to-front (RTF) flow (e.g., see attached radar analysis image from the 6 July MCS). Previous studies have explored the potential contributions of both supercell and non-supercell mechanisms to tornadogenesis associated with bowing MCSs. Our radar and DLA results indicate that the tornadic storm cell is shown to share some characteristics with supercells, although it forms and develops an intense low-level mesocyclone at the EF-0 tornado location along the bowing MCS cold mesoscale outflow boundary ahead of a descending mesoscale rear-inflow jet. The Lagrangian air trajectories will help indicate whether the nocturnal convective and mesoscale updrafts and downdrafts and the mesoscale cold pool are surface-based or elevated, while also helping to define the thermodynamic evolution along trajectories that feed the tornadic low-level mesocyclone; as well as the deep convection, the mesoscale cold pool, and the trailing stratiform region.