The SPS-48 radar is a S-band, phased-array, azimuthally scanning, air-search radar that scans electronically in elevation and completes a volume scan in four seconds. The HWDDC combines the volume scans into motion-compensated, one-minute composites with limited clutter filtering applied. The SPS-48 beams are combined to yield full PPI scans at 22 different elevation angles ranging from 0.1° to 24°. The azimuthal resolution of the data is 1° and the range resolution is 1 km. The maximum range for reflectivity (radial velocity) data is 250 (81) km. The Doppler data are only produced at the lowest three elevation scans whereas reflectivity data are produced at all elevation scans; all these data are archived in Universal Format and compressed before dissemination to FNMOC. Owing to the limited HWDDC Doppler data both in range and elevation, and the single-polarization of the SPS-48 radar waveform, reflectivity data quality control is particularly challenging. New algorithms have been developed to handle sea clutter and constant power function artifacts, such as bullseyes and sun strobes. There are two algorithms for sea clutter; the first one deals with evaporation duct sea clutter, and the second one deals with the more widespread and distant sea clutter due to surface, surface-based, and elevated electromagnetic ducts resulting from trapped moist air under temperature inversions often encountered off the coasts of California and the Arabian Gulf region. The algorithms are currently undergoing operational testing at FNMOC within the ship-following COAMPS-OS® radar DA system. An overview of the algorithms and examples of their applications to SPS-48/HWDDC data will be presented.
1 COAMPS and COAMPS-OS are registered trademarks of the Naval Research Laboratory