The air mass structure, vertical motions, boundary layer structure, cloud-top generating cells, layers of turbulence and other fine-scale features, characterized using cross-sections of the detailed HCR observations of reflectivity, radial velocity, spectral width and linear depolarization ratio, were often on a scale of 5 km or less, and varied significantly with horizontal distance. The air mass origin and structure associated with features was determined using back trajectories from the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. By overlaying thermodynamic fields from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model on the radar cross sections, the air mass structure, layers of stability/instability, and frontal boundaries were related to the generating cells, elevated convection, gravity waves, boundary layers circulations, and other features observed by the HCR within the Nor’easter. The sources for these radar-determined features will be discussed.