Microphysical data collected by two-dimensional optical array probes (OAPs) installed on the University of North Dakota Citation aircraft during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) and the Olympic Mountain Experiment (OLYMPEX) are used here in conjunction with TWC data from the Nevzorov probe and ground-based radar data at S-band to test a novel approach that determines m-D relationships for a variety of environments. A surface of equally realizable a and b coefficients in (a,b) phase space is determined using a technique that minimizes the chi-squared difference between TWC or Z derived from the OAPs and that directly measured by a TWC probe or radar, accepting as valid all coefficients within a specified tolerance as equally realizable solutions to the m=aDb relationship. The surfaces of solutions for different cases are compared to establish how environmental conditions and spatial and temporal variability within clouds controls the a-b coefficients. It is shown that using fixed a-b coefficients in selected numerical modeling and remote retrieval schemes cannot adequately represent the ensemble-retrieved particle mass-dimension variability of observed cloud conditions.