As expected, the PECAN precipitation maximum occurred overnight from 03-09 UTC (CDT = UTC - 5 hr). Statistics on PECAN QPE highlight the diurnally-modulated regions for rainfall which are dependent upon terrain: the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains (elevation >2000 m) QPE maximum occurred in the afternoon (21-00 UTC), the foothills’ (elevation of 1000-2000 m) maximum QPE occurred in the late afternoon to evening (21-03 UTC) and the plains (elevation <1000 m) maximum QPE occurred overnight (03-09 UTC). Most of the PECAN QPE was associated with advection of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs). Approximately 10% of the total rainfall within the PECAN domain was attributed to pristine convection initiation (CI) events.
Most of the mountain storms were initiated in the afternoon hours (18-21 UTC). The foothills and plains’ CI events occurred most frequently in the late afternoon (21-00 UTC). Further QPE and CI statistics and analyses will be presented.