The focus of this study will be at the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) site in Darwin, Australia and the surrounding maritime continent. In Darwin, well defined forcing regimes occur during the wet season of November to April with the onset and the break of the Northern Australian Monsoon (Drosdowsky 1996). In this study, the vertical velocities retrieved from over ten years of continuous plan position indicator scans from the C-band POLarimetric and Berrima radars stationed at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement TWP site in Darwin are derived. To use this, Multidop, a Python wrapper around the Potvin et al. (2012) multiple Doppler retrieval technique (see related presentation “MultiDop: An open source, Python-powered, multi-Doppler radar analysis suite”) is used to retrieve the horizontal and vertical winds.
The retrieved vertical velocities in deep convective cores are within 5 m/s of retrievals of Collis et al. (2013) and Varble et al. (2014) for a monsoon and a break time period, showing that Multidop can reasonably retrieve vertical velocities in deep convective cores. The mean, median, and 90th percentiles of vertical velocity show a less than 5 m/s difference between monsoon and break regimes, indicating little difference between regimes. However, the 95th and 99th percentiles of vertical velocity are 5 to 10 m/s higher in break regimes than in monsoon regimes, with an enhancement of vertical velocities in monsoonal regimes when the convective mode of the MJO is inactive over Australia. This suggests that the magnitude of the extreme events encountered in each regime is sensitive to the large scale forcing.
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