A C-band, dual-polarization radar has recently been implemented in Córdoba, Argentina (2014), allowing for the first suite of high-resolution storm imagery in this region of South America. Radar fields, such as reflectivity and radial velocity, are utilized to characterize features of convection over a 1˚ x 1˚ domain centered on the Córdoba radar site. A total of 46 cases were selected between 2015-2017 documenting different storm morphologies. Selected cases were grouped by convective mode (i.e., discrete vs. multicell), initiation location/time, time between initiation and upscale convective growth (if any), among others. Preliminary results indicate that 8 (17%) of the events that were analyzed were characterized as discrete-supercell, 13 (28%) as discrete-non-supercell, 8 (17%) as multicell-organized (e.g., MCS), and 17 (38%) as multicell-unorganized. Common radar attributes, such as reflectivity hook echoes and radar finelines, are common features documented with incipient convection. Additionally, environmental characteristics for the different pathways of upscale convective growth are analyzed using NCEP and ERA-Interim reanalysis. These analyses are in preparation for the RELAMPAGO (Remote sensing of Electrification, Lighting, And Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations intensive observing period (1 November – 15 December 2018; more information available at https://publish.illinois.edu/relampago/) in west-central Argentina, South America.