Monday, 28 August 2017
Zurich DEFG (Swissotel Chicago)
An analysis of a quasi-linear convective system (QCLS) observed on 20 June 2015 during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project is presented. On this day, the NOAA P-3 aircraft gathered data in a nocturnal mesoscale convective system (MCS) that formed over western South Dakota, performing dual-Doppler flight legs and spiral descents and ascents in the stratiform precipitation regions behind the convective line. The analysis examines the effects of evaporation and sublimation on nocturnal inversions during the MCS evolution. Multiple-Doppler syntheses were completed using NOAA Tail Doppler Radar and WSR-88DP data collected within the region of several spirals. Vertical profiles of particle number and mass distributions, total water content, total number concentration, and median mass diameter and accompanying profiles of relative humidity and temperature were combined with the multiple-Doppler syntheses to relate the microphysical characteristics of the QCLS transition zone to the storm system evolution.