In several ad-hoc field campaigns focused on the Southern Great Plains, the Texas Tech University Atmospheric Science Group used Ka-band mobile Doppler radars to document the vertical structure of a number of severe thunderstorm outflow events, both from supercells and upscale modes. In each of the cases presented, the outflow was sampled by in situ (e.g., StickNet, Oklahoma/West Texas Mesonet) instrumentation that recorded the thermodynamic state of both the inflow and outflow air. Environmental wind shear during each event is identified using velocity azimuth displays from the NEXRAD WSR-88D in closest proximity to the mobile radar deployment site. Both the thermodynamic characteristics and the shear values from each case are then used to initialize two-dimensional CM1 cold pool simulations with both free-slip and semi-slip boundary conditions to quantify the similarities between observational and theoretical outflow structure and speed.
Two-dimensional free-slip model results reveal an indirect relationship between the slope of a cold pool and its potential temperature deficit in the presence in ambient positive shear. Semi-slip model results reveal a similar relationship, although slope dependence on internal potential temperature deficit lessens in the strongest shear. Horizontal wind output from the semi-slip model is used to create simulated radial velocity plots similar to those seen using a mobile Doppler radar. We will show how features in simulated cold pool structure are visible in observed structure using mobile Ka-band Doppler radars. If applicable, radar RHI observations from the 2017 RiVorS project will be presented to supplement the conclusions.