Between 0315-0330 UTC on 30 November, a supercell with a history of producing several tornadoes, including simultaneously-occurring tornadoes with partner parent circulations, passed directly over the MIPS, surface instrumentation, and disdrometers. The X-band profiling radar’s (XPR) high-resolution vertical sampling of the supercell as it passed over the MIPS revealed an impressive time-height section of the supercell’s bounded weak echo region, mesocyclone, and rear-flank downdraft. The XPR W observed a maximum updraft of 15 m s-1 within the mesocyclone and a maximum downdraft of 10 m s-1 within the RFD of the supercell. At the surface a 4 C reduction in temperature, a transient 3 hPa reduction in pressure, a 360 rotation of the wind vector, and wind speed ranging from 1-18 m s-1 was measured during passage of the circulation. Approximately 15 minutes after passing over UAH-SWIRLL, tornadogenesis occurred producing an EF-2 tornado that persisted for 32.2 km, extending from eastern Huntsville into Jackson County, AL. This presentation will investigate the storm-scale structure and environment of the tornadic supercell up through being sampled by both the UAH MIPS and ARMOR. The evolution of the supercell from having a single tornadic circulation to multiple simultaneous circulations will be discussed. Observations of the pre-tornadic mesocyclone from the MIPS will detail the near-storm and inflow environment of the supercell as well as the vertical structure of the supercell. Consequences of the MIPS observations on the theory of the structure and dynamics of supercell thunderstorms will be presented.