Thursday, 23 August 2012: 10:15 AM
Georgian (Boston Park Plaza)
Official FAA temperature observations taken in Laredo, TX have been in error since 2004. Evidence of a persistant +2F bias in the readings emerged in 2004 when the readings, even with a well mixed planetary boundary layer, were uniformly +2F above the NCDC coop station that I operate about 4 miles away at similar elevation. A joint study with the NWS demonstrated the bias. In 2011, the readings suddenly jumped +5F above my coop station during daylight hours. The heat of a television news story and the presence of NWS personal prompted a quiet replacement of the temperature sensor. This removed the initial +2F bias, and the later +5F bias to the readings. Surprisingly, the Southern Region Office in Fort Worth will not allow the Corpus Christi NWS delete errant data from the official record, even the +5F data.