Thursday, 23 August 2012: 1:45 PM
Georgian (Boston Park Plaza)
NOAA is developing a web service with the media in mind. Need to access historical, future, or real-time imagery from NOAA's vast data archives? The NOAA View data imagery portal will serve high resolution renderings of NOAA data in multiple formats, in a browseable, non-scientific interface. Images sequences can be played in the viewer or downloaded as high quality PNG files (in both color and grayscale) or Google Earth compatible KML. Data will include historical climate analyses, current satellite-based observations, and long-term climate models, spanning topics from the atmosphere, land, ocean, cryosphere, and Earth energy balance. Prototypes will be shown in this presentation; a beta-version of NOAA View should be available in late 2012, with final release in 2013. We also seek input on other variables that may be of interest to the broadcast media.