J3.6 Checking in on WX Geeks

Thursday, 11 June 2015: 2:45 PM
304 (Raleigh Convention Center)
J. Marshall Shepherd, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA

WX Geeks is a nationally televised weather talk show hosted by Dr. Marshall Shepherd and produced by meteorologists. The show first aired in late July 2014 with support from The Weather Channel leadership. The show depends on active participants from the weather community to provide topic ideas, suggestions, guest appearances and feedback. This talk looks back at the first year of production. What started as an idea on the back of a napkin has evolved into a successful platform for national discussion on communication, policy and geek-out moments of amazing weather phenomena. In addition to an overview of past guests and topics, the talk will detail the process of producing the show, what we have learned along the way and what is in store for the future.
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