J4.5 A Plan Forward to Assess Options for Improving Upon the NWS' Watch, Warning and Advisory Hazard Messaging System

Thursday, 11 June 2015: 4:30 PM
304 (Raleigh Convention Center)
Eli Jacks, NOAA/NWS Forecast Services Division, Silver Spring, MD; and G. M. Eosco, A. Horvitz, M. Bilder, and L. Girardi

In support of Weather Ready Nation goals, NWS is continuing to explore ways to maximize the clarity and simplicity of our weather and water hazard messages.

To that end, and in conjunction with experts from the social and behavioral science community, NWS has developed a plan to assess the efficacy of its “Watch, Warning, and Advisory” (WWA) system, and to explore possible alternatives to improve upon it. The plan will first focus on collecting data from users on the relative strengths and weaknesses of WWA. Analysis of these data will facilitate the design of prototypes for wide public testing.

Key components of the assessment will be to determine how deeply WWA is institutionalized into public policy and law, and also to ascertain the level at which those who serve and protect the public base their decisions on the existing system. The entire user and stakeholder community will be engaged throughout the process, including NWS forecasters, key federal, state, and local partners, broadcasters and other stakeholders across the weather enterprise. In addition, any new system will need to address the wide array of NWS services provided across the country, including (but not restricted to) flooding, and severe, tropical, and winter weather.

This presentation will focus on describing key steps within the plan, and also to describe how interested parties may engage in the feedback process.

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