JPD2.1 Buried in Boston

Wednesday, 10 June 2015: 3:30 PM
304 (Raleigh Convention Center)
Harvey Leonard, WCVB-TV, Needham, MA

After the first half of meteorological winter in Boston was over, jokes were being tossed around about a relatively snowless winter. But those jokes quickly lost their humor when the winter season wound up producing an all-time record amount of snow in Boston. But, perhaps, even more impressive was the combination of much of the snow falling over a relatively short period of time, and the persistence of extreme cold for such a relatively long period of time. Boston experienced two 24”+ snowstorms and two 16”+ snowstorms, all within a period of 3 ½ weeks! And, it was the second coldest Feb. on record, averaging more than 12 degrees colder than normal. All sorts of problems were created, with the risk of and resultant roof collapses leading the list. I will examine some of the meteorology that led to this, as well as how we handled it as a weather team and as a news operation, and how Bostonians tried to cope.
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