8.4 Building Safety in the Face of Hazardous Weather: General Public, Building Industry & Insurance Industry Perceptions

Thursday, 16 June 2016: 11:45 AM
Phoenix North (DoubleTree by Hilton Austin Hotel)
Ian M. Giammanco, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, Richburg, SC

The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) has conducted social science research surveys to understand the general public, insurance, and building industry's perception of what building safety means when structures are face with a risk from hazardous weather. Generating consumer action to mitigate against a low probability but high impact weather event remains a significant challenge to developing hazard resilient communities. This presentation will present the preliminary results for surveys conducted across three pertinent demographics: insurance agents, home builders, and the general public. The goal of the study was to determine the best approach for communicating the value of improving resiliency to severe weather, and understand the perception of IBHS and its mission to mitigate loss due to natural hazards. In general, respondents showed a favorable attitude toward a science-based approach to hazard mitigation. Building industry individuals related the concept of “safety” to building fortification. However, the insurance agent and the general public groups perceived “safety” to be related to interior/exterior home safety measures such as home security systems. When presented with information on the IBHS Fortified Home Program, respondents had a favorable response.
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