This presentation will delve deeper into the firsthand ground-based observations of Hurricane Matthew, from the perspective of a slightly-crazed college student who skipped class, booked a ticket to Daytona, woke up at 2:48 AM, had two hotel reservations cancelled, was left abandoned on a barrier island with a lack of cell-phone battery, angered a taxi company, met the world's sketchiest motel family, hitched a ride with a TV news crew, was kicked out of the airport, discovered what really lurks in the back of news vans, met some not-so-nice law enforcement, was rejected from a shelter, slept in a soccer goal, rode the storm out, hid in the trunk of a college van, and made it back in time for an exam two days later. In other words, this account will be just about as "ground truthy" as one can get, and hopefully will provide a valuable perspective to broadcasters communicating future storms! What was learned from the social sciences standpoint trapped inside a hurricane shelter points to certain communication "gaps" and the evolution of a message when traveling between "unofficial" sources, and may offer insight as to how we can improve as a field.